Silver Star
Welcome to the World of Eco Friendly Paper and Print Materials
Collaborations with various paper mills and dealers across the globe, along with a large stocking facility, enable them to offer easy availability and customized solutions to meet the unique needs of their customers.
We take great pride in fulfilling their regular supply responsibilities promptly, ensuring fast delivery, and providing exceptional service and support.
Believing in building strong relationships with customers, the organization is dedicated to continuous improvement while remaining true to their values of sustainability and responsibility.
We Are Your Partner in Creativity
To Spark Your Creativity, We Bring an Innovative Range of Premium Printing Materials From All Over the World
Fine Papers
Our papers come from world-class paper mills like Neenah, Cordenons, Favini, Meersen Pappier, Hansol, Lenzing, and Prado papers among others. These mills stand out having channeled innovation into production.

Commodity Papers
To promote the highest quality paper products and to promote environmental security, Silver Star Printing Materials works with some of the world’s biggest names in the conventional paper industries Like Garda, and Adester.

Silver Star is the leading supplier of pre-press, press room, and post-press consumables in Qatar. We are well equipped in terms of conditioned storage space for sensitive consumable items, and huge storage.
Our Signature Portfolio Includes Market Leading Brands
The Versatility Of Our Products Provides A Perfect Solution For Every Print, Digital, Stationery And Packaging Requirements